Recent projects have involved providing advice to
small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) and municipalities on waste management,
brownfields remediation, transportation issues, municipal power and energy, and
coordinating the Soil and Groundwater Mission to the Netherlands.
Greenwood & Associates has focused extensively on
developing practical strategies to advance sustainable communities and green
building technologies and practices, working in collaboration with clients such
as the World Green Building Council and its affiliate associations, the Canada
Green Building Council and the Canada Green Building Council-Greater Toronto
Greenwood & Associates has worked with Environment
Canada (Ontario Region) and the Ontario Ministry of Environment to develop
policies on the potential role of, and support for, the SME sector, innovative
technologies and clean production.
Greenwood & Associates has organized and led
workshops on environmental and sustainability issues, including several on
behalf of the Consulate General of the Netherlands and Environment Canada (with
support from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation and Pollution Probe).
Greenwood & Associates has also been working with
Dutch clients such as TNO, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific
Research, to develop and promote a comprehensive, collaborative approach to the
remediation and environmentally sound redevelopment of brownfield sites.